Montag, 14. November 2016

Increase of salaries and taxes

So shortly after the election of Mayor Duterte to the president,  - that was, at the time when he promised the army and the police the salary increases -, my friend said to me: "Watch out. Now everything  will get  a bit more expensive! With  what are the higher wages to be paid for? "

At that time I thought to myself: "Well. Then the vegetables and fruits will be more expensive! "

Then  the announcement was published that the salary of teachers should be increased. And for Christmas any teacher could ever expect a nice bonus of at least PHP 5,000.

Today, I think again of my friend, because I have received infos from Kidapawan. The people there are disturbed and annoyed because the annual taxes, which have to be paid there in December, should have increased. So simply, so from now-on, without any warning. The taxes are almost twice as high as last year! So I was told

We here in Davao have to pay our taxes starting  January. Let's see how high these are.

With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

Dienstag, 16. August 2016

Angel's Hide-Away in Davao

Angel's Hide-Away in Davao
Last Friday there was a big birthday party and we were invited to the "Angel's Hide-Away" near SEAGUL Beach Resort in Dumalag / Matina / Davao.
The roads until Matina  are all in good condition and when we reached  the crossing you  must turn left and driving on a narrow road towards the sea. The road gets narrower. However, one has the feeling  that people  - and especially children – are becoming more and more and huddle on the small area.

But you have to move forward in a walking speed,then  you have  to turn left and you think that there is  no way anymore, so narrow it is. But the road goes on and then  - in a sudden -  there is  ANGEL'S HIDE-AWAY with a wonderful  view over the Golf of Davao.

The water is quite clear - just watch out for some coral blocks that can scratch one's legs at low tide. A part of the beach is reserved - so in the direction SEAGUL BEACH RESORT - because that  area is granted to the Philippine sea turtles for breeding.
The birthday party was nice and long. And  plenty to eat and drink. So, until the next time that we shall meet again in this windy, hidden, nice  Beach Resort.
Best regards,
Ludwig from Dava

Freitag, 20. Mai 2016

International direct flights from Davao

 International direct flights from Davao

 Davao is now interesting for airlines, who previously served only Manila and Cebu. The Department of Tourism Davao (DOT) had invited to a city / airport tour and around 20 airlines have come. Among them are "Air China", "Turkish Airlines", "Qatar Airways", "Cathay Pacific" and "Korean Air".

From the international airlines only "SilkAir" had used the runway  in Davao and has brought the passengers to Singapore. One of the problems still seems to be the runway, because that is a bit short for the big Jumbos. But since some time there are plans for a large new airport in Davao. Although the new airport is not the topic at the moment, then  for Davao speak the numbers of passengers, the still low landing fees and the less traffic chaos compared with the situation in Manila.
You see, it is something going on in Davao for the coming years."Rodrigo will do it !"
With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016

Avida Towers - located in Davao Center

Avida Towers - located in Davao Center

In a prime location of Davao - in C. M. Recto Ave. - the two towers of AVIDA TOWERS are to be seen . And it has  a fabulous view to Samal Island, Mt. Apo  and the Golf of Davao.

As it was scheduled , the  Condos in the first AVIDA TOWER  should be available in October 2016 – from now it’s only 6 months time.  The works are still on schedule. Currently the TOWER has  reached the 23rd floor and  this is also the maximum height.

It is still a hard job. The works started  in July 2014 for 24 hours/ a day. Always at nighttime the precast parts  were delivered  for the next day with special low-loaders - otherwise the whole traffic would be collapsed the other  day.

All in all there will be 431 Condos and the prices start  from 1.9 million PHP  with a minimum  size of 22 sqm.  If you calculate, then 1 square meters costs about 86,000 PHP or about 1.661.-euro (calculated at 1 Euro = 52 PHP)

It is believable as reported by the administration that  all Condos and car parking spaces are sold out . It is really is a very good location.
With best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Montag, 2. Mai 2016

A Filipina who can can swim quickly

A Filipina who can swim quickly

It is something special when in the Philippines you  meet someone who knows how to  swim - and moreover if this someone can do it quickly. Most of  the Filipinos go  in the water until the waist - and that's it. Although it is never very far from the beach, swimming is still relatively unknown. Many of the fishermen who go out every day with their boats, do not know how to swim.

So it is  surprising if a 13 year old girl from Davao, Janice Denice Beciera, could win 3 gold medals in the breaststroke and 2 silver medals  in the medley relay at the National Private Schools Athletic Association (Prisaa) Championships in April 2016 Koronadal, South Cotabato. She has trained every day in the pool from Ladislawa Garden Village clubhouse in Buhangin / Davao.

If she continues with her training, it could be enough for participation in the next Olympic Games. This would be a sensation. We keep our fingers crossed.
With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Donnerstag, 28. April 2016

our dog "Teddy"

Our little guard dog

Since more than  4 months we have a little brown dog with black stripes . It looks funny  - as if he were the dog in a car repair shop and had always to do with black engine oil. When we got him, he was just so small that it could be put easily into a coffee pot. In the meantime he has changed only a little bit in length - not in height.

In the lineage of his parents there must be in something like a pit bull , because the little dog tweaks and  pinches continuously the other dogs that are much bigger and stronger than he. And with his continuous barking he is hoping for attention - which is obviously not possible.

And yet he has won his place in the pack of dogs. And we like him.
With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Dienstag, 26. April 2016

Beer - Beer - Beer

Beer - Beer - Beer

Until 2 years ago  only the beers of the Philippine brewery SAN MIGUEL could be found here in Davao. And  in some selected places you can see other beers from Korea and Japan - because of the large groups of  these foreigners. Many Indians - mostly students - are also there, but beer from India I have not yet seen.

Now it is very different. Due to the new malls, such as "S & R", the imported beers and wines from the United States and Europe are well established. German beers as OETTINGER or PAULANER in different alcohol strengths you can buy   to prices from  ca. 100 pesos = about 2 euros in the malls. And there are places that offer in the "blue hour", so as 2:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. unlimited beer at a flat rate - of course, only the local San Miguel. Only to know, a 1-liter bottle of SAN MIGUEL beer costs about 70 pesos = about 1.40 Euro.
So, for beer drinkers it’s a little paradise.

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Dienstag, 5. April 2016

The first Philippine satellite in space

The first Philippine satellite in space
On March 22, 2016, the first Philippine research satellite was - his name is Diwata-1 - sent upwards in the orbit. It is equipped with four cameras and is constantly making measurements and pictures of the Philippines and the weather conditions, disasters and environmental issues.

It is especially to the early detection of hurricanes and tidal waves of tsunamis.. Also measuring the water temperature, which are responsible for the emergence of EL NINO-weather, are of great importance.
The life of DAWITA-1, which is about 50 kg and has the size of a "Balikbayan box", is estimated at about 2 years. Then it will get burnt up and fall into the sea. But until then it should  imaging the country twice daily and send the information.

By the way,  in pre-Christian times called the god-like heros were called Dawitas with their  beauty, knowledge and the courage to fight. So, the Philippines  go straight forward.
With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

Freitag, 18. März 2016

Your baggage did not arrive

Your baggage did not arrive

It's annoying when you can not find your luggage on the belt. It's just gone. And it does not help if you - after several paper wars and waitings - will be put up with a sum of money .
Sometimes  the luggage will be found still, because it was simply plugged into the wrong airplane at the rush at the airport during transhipment.

To avoid such a thing in the future, people have come up with an idea – just right  in today's electronic age. So  expensive cars are equipped with a GPS transmitter, and they will be located  over the phone, so you have a GPS transmitter built into the suitcase. The location of the case can then immediately be shown to the people at the airport. Or even to the police, if the GPS does not clearly indicative of an airport.

Yes, that's all possible , if you have enough fun.
With best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016

a vertical Garden

Garden on the wall

A friend here in Davao had a problem with his plants, such as with arugula or Kale  or tomatoes - all things that he had brought as seeds from home. These plants  did not want to "get on their feet", did not grow. They were quite different from his other vegetables taken from the local, Philippine countryside.

He brooded. Then he found out that  the higher UV radiation here in Davao, directly on the equator, could be the reason. So he looked for a spot on his garden wall, which was not directly in the sun - there he made his VERTICAL garden with plastic bottles. A garden on the wall.

And he added  a "water-saving idea", because he wanted that the  water will flood each plastic bottle after the other. So the water drips through all plastic bottles.
The first result is  impressive: A tomato plant has developed the first small tomato. Soon there will hopefully be more….
With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Freitag, 5. Februar 2016

Driving without a helmet is fun ?

Driving without a helmet is fun ?

As every year in January there is a FIESTA in Makilala - and we were there. But how were we surprised. There was not only a FIESTA, but we were also invited to a visit at the hospital.

The nephew, 19 years old, is a happy-go-lucky motorcyclist and thinks that nothing could disturb him and that he can deal with all difficulties. And  sometimes he is  driving extremely risky. On this afternoon last week he did not observe that a  jeepney - looking for passengers –bends suddenly to his side just ahead of him.So it crashed.
Our nephew crushed with his motorcycle into the Jeepney: facial injury under his left eye, because he drove without a helmet. The motorcycle then tipped to the left, breaking his left thigh-bone. Result: motorbike is slightly injured, the driver is seriously injured!

It is not a big help that the driver  of jeepney  assures to take over all the  costs of the hospital and that his girlfriend is constantly taking care of him. For at least 3 months he is in treatment, in this time no motorcycle, and a  cut-off  of his job training. And now the poor boy has  enough time to think  that  he had a similar accident a year ago - for he was driving his motorbike  without a helmet  too !!!

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Freitag, 22. Januar 2016

Used Fryer Oil in Davao.

What to do with used fryer oil in Davao?

The love of the Filipinos is eating! Eating is a great occupation the whole day. Unfortunately, a lot of cooking oil will be used for this purpose. It is estimated that about 1200 liters a day of cooking oil are going to waste in Davao. For instance, a vendor of "Kwek Kwek" needs a minimum of about 2 liters a day. And what will happen to the big amounts of used oil?
The usual method is: to throw this oil into the next water channel or just in the next corner. Or they sell it:  The restaurants sell the used oil for about 300 pesos per 17-liter jug to farmers. These farmers take it to mix it with corn and copra, to feed their animals.
The City Council of Davao wants to change this, because this oil - especially if it is Coconut Oil - will pollute and contaminate the water channels , the water becomes clogged and, thus, increases the rat infestation.
In order to do something for hygiene and environment, the used oil will be filtered and recycled so that it can be used as "biodiesel oil" again. From 1000 liters used oil such a filter can produce "biodiesel oil" with about 900 liters. However, there is unfortunately  a flaw: Those producers of used oil are supposed to bring the waste good - free of charge -  to the collection points in the barangays.  I wonder, who will do that - for free?

With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

Montag, 4. Januar 2016

PAL flies Cebu - Los Angeles

PAL flies Cebu - Los Angeles

Again Philippine Airlines (PAL) is going more international. Starting this year, PAL will offer a flight to Los Angeles (L.A). from Cebu and wants to purchase two Boeing 777. During the last years Cebu has become the second largest airport in the Philippines. Already, Japan and China are served by PAL  - always starting from Cebu.
The largest number of passengers will probably come from Davao, where now the two daily flights from Davao to Cebu are utilized by 80%.

And so was the question of   giving preference to Davao for the flight to LA. But because of the runway in Davao, which is not sufficient  for an international carrier, Cebu was chosen. And so is to understand the offer of more flights to Cebu, in order to bypass  the difficult situation  in Manila.
It’s getting  better with PAL.
With best regards

Ludwig from Davao