Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016

a vertical Garden

Garden on the wall

A friend here in Davao had a problem with his plants, such as with arugula or Kale  or tomatoes - all things that he had brought as seeds from home. These plants  did not want to "get on their feet", did not grow. They were quite different from his other vegetables taken from the local, Philippine countryside.

He brooded. Then he found out that  the higher UV radiation here in Davao, directly on the equator, could be the reason. So he looked for a spot on his garden wall, which was not directly in the sun - there he made his VERTICAL garden with plastic bottles. A garden on the wall.

And he added  a "water-saving idea", because he wanted that the  water will flood each plastic bottle after the other. So the water drips through all plastic bottles.
The first result is  impressive: A tomato plant has developed the first small tomato. Soon there will hopefully be more….
With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

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