Dienstag, 5. April 2016

The first Philippine satellite in space

The first Philippine satellite in space
On March 22, 2016, the first Philippine research satellite was - his name is Diwata-1 - sent upwards in the orbit. It is equipped with four cameras and is constantly making measurements and pictures of the Philippines and the weather conditions, disasters and environmental issues.

It is especially to the early detection of hurricanes and tidal waves of tsunamis.. Also measuring the water temperature, which are responsible for the emergence of EL NINO-weather, are of great importance.
The life of DAWITA-1, which is about 50 kg and has the size of a "Balikbayan box", is estimated at about 2 years. Then it will get burnt up and fall into the sea. But until then it should  imaging the country twice daily and send the information.

By the way,  in pre-Christian times called the god-like heros were called Dawitas with their  beauty, knowledge and the courage to fight. So, the Philippines  go straight forward.
With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

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