Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2014

about 12,000 families leaving Davao today

about 12,000 families leaving Davao today

Since the beginning of December the lumad are back in Davao.( With lumad one thinks of about the 17 groups of indigenous people who live in the mountains around Davao.) Just as every year - since 2007 - they were brought from the  City Social Services and Development (CSSDO)  office in Davao City  to celebrate the Christmas season and to ask  the inhabitants for Christmas gifts. "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!". It is an officially allowed  begging.

The city provides them with sleeps in the 8  basketball arenas and fed them all the time. Also medical care is provided. You can hear them  from afar with their guitars brand "yourself" and with the drums, stretched with  a string  and beat  it in a crazy rhythm .

This year there were almost 12,000 Lumad families = 40,000 people, some in old costumes . And there were about 2,000 families  more than last year. Today, December 26, they are brought back again by trucks and a big Christmas celebration will take place - as it is common. "It's more fun in the Philippines!"

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Montag, 8. Dezember 2014

Megaworld will build a new Makati in Davao

Megaworld will build a new Makati in Davao
Dec. 8, 2014

That it is: A lot is happening in the real estate area of Davao. Now since a month  the preselling is on the way  for the condos in  the 2 condo towers with 21 floors of SunTrust (= subsidiary of Mega World). The address is: "One Lake Shore Drive" and is located next to the SM Lanang Premier in Davao City. Very good place.  Prices range from 1.9 million pesos for a condo with 24 sqm. This means  price / sqm of 80,000 pesos. Prices are similar  to Manila.

At the moment there are  the sales of the condos in the 2 towers. But it is planned  - as in 3 years - that a TOWNSHIP will arise with offices, shops, school and hospital. And with  much quality of life. The model  is Makati in Manila.

Mega World has chosen this huge project for Davao, because in the perspective of the next 20 years Davao  will have the biggest development in trade, business and housing.

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2014

Townhouses for 1,250,000 pesos
3. 12. 2014

The real estate market in Davao is in motion. Now there are the low-priced real estate providers that have been run with success  its concept already in Manila or Cebu .

Some weeks ago  the company JOHNDORF VENTURES came first. It offers  very interesting designed townhouses,  a 2-storey building with an attractive facade in the “Portside Davao”. In total, a townhouse has 52 sqm and a lot of 44 sqm. In the first floor there  are living room, kitchen and bath room. In the 2nd floor are 2 sleeping rooms. That’s all. And the price is really unbeatable with about 1,250,000 pesos.

At a cost of about 24,000 pesos / sqm, it is also really cheap. Other construction companies start from about 55,000 pesos / sqm. It is necessary to consider that these other  houses are also in a much quieter and more  expensive location.

The  company will pack ca. 420 townhouses on the 2.7-acre plot. It will be really close-to-close. The lot is near to the Davao airport and depending on the wind position you will get the aircraft noise – some times. The company has perfectly calculated the demand for  its townhouses: More than  35% are  already sold  within 14 days off the plan. A real low-cost house with conversion possibility. Not only Filipinos have bought , but also a lot of foreigners who want to have a rest house in Davao.

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 30. November 2014

1000 new low-cost condos for Davao

Also PHINMA is building  low-cost condos in Davao

Now it the news have spread  to Manila, Davao that is a good place for real estate. The well-known company PHINMA Realty Corp., which has so far raised many low-cost condo houses  in and around Manila, now has a foothold in Davao.

In the area of Pampanga, this is between Sasa naval port and airport, 9 condo houses will be built with the proprietary modular system with each 5 floors and with 90 Condos in a house  with living space 30-32 sqm (incl. small balcony). The first 2 houses to be ready for move in at April 2015. Around 2016, all the houses will  be built  and then Davao has approximately 1,000 condominiums more.

The prices for the apartments are said at about 1.32 million pesos, which is much lower than from other companies. The equipment should be simple: low cost. The house monthly allowance will be  at  approximately 1,120 pesos, or about 35 pesos per square meter of living space. This is significantly low because  other building companies charge between 60 -90 pesos.

The initiators of PHINMA also believe that Davao is on a huge demand for housing, as it is in Manila at the moment. With a  price of 44,000 pesos/ sqm the company is located in an interesting  low price segment.  Other construction companies will ask  around 70,000 pesos /sqm and more - of course with another, better equipment and higher priced location.
The offer is interesting. 

Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

How to transport a chicken ?

How to transport a chicken ?
Nov. 25, 2014

There are certainly a lot of possibilities to transport a chicken: in the cage, in a bag, in a pocket or under the arm.
This possibility, which we saw on the way from Kidapawan to Davao, is also one - although not very nice. But perhaps Filipinos see the matter differently, just from the point of view of the saucepan.

With best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Montag, 24. November 2014

Hopelessly overloaded

hopelessly overloaded 
Yes, if you're going on a trip, you can see incredible things. How true this phrase is! The more for the the roads in the Philippines. And especially if the police is not present... You might become witness of some unbelievable encounters, especially outside the cities, in the wild, wild west.
We enountered such along the way from Kidapawan city to Davao in the late afternoon. The traffic there was slow, so we thought it will be a slow, comfortably road back home.  we thought nothing bad - yes until we had this truck in front of us and passed it. We counted 10 rows and colums of 40 kg bags of rice on a truck. This size we have never seen before. It looked incredible yet dangerous.
We are not sure if the driver knew that he could endanger his and other drivers' lifes. Probably not. We have often seen trucks here that were longer than long  and their load was"up in the sky" . And so it is no wonder that  accidents will happen again and again. For such  an overloaded truck to bring to a stop -  the best brakes are not so strong enough to make it. The truck rolls on and on, as if it were on a skating rink and pushes everything  away. Simply, hopeless.
With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

Freitag, 7. November 2014

The coconut reveals its secrets

The coconut reveals its secrets
Nov. 8, 2014

If you  come in the tropics on vacation, you immediately think of  beaches of white sand and coconut trees swaying in the wind. A picturesque scene. And then you can imagine the tanned islanders, to get the coconuts from the trees and drink the delicious juice.

The juice of the coconut is a great thirst quencher- this is known yet.. The juice is a real  power cocktail with many vitamins   and minerals. It seems that  this juice was just created for the people living in the tropics as a benefit because you can live from the coconut and the juice for weeks – if it must be.

Another substance in this juice, which was  regarded as a beauty facility for smooth beautiful skin and healthy long hair, is gaining more and more importance. It is the trace element selenium.

For every tourist who lies down in the sun to get his suntan, it is recommended to drink  the juice of the coconut. It is to maintain our skin. More important is  that the UV radiation here in the tropics can cause sunburn fast - despite the use of sunscreen with a high protection factor. The selenium in the coconut belongs to the "antioxidants", is a reliable herbal  and  can  protect the skin from inside – if you drink enough.

By the way, even in radishes the selenium is included. And salads with radishes, which are prepared with coconut juice, are delicious. Have you  tried it?

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

The traffic problem in Davao can be solved

A light rail transit system for Davao to start in 2020
November  7, 2014

It is tackled again: The light rail transit (LRT) project for Davao. All people from Davao will be happy if this LRT will finally be established.

Although, if you think realistically about the project, there are a lot of difficulties - the financing is the lesser “evil”. The biggest problem is the narrowness of the streets and the uphill as the infrastructure has not been developed well. While in Manila, as the main capital of the country, has installed the light rails along and above the road, which works well – regardless the traffic and density problem.
Having installed the rail tracks above the main roads is the most expensive option, but probably the only one that is feasible. The Korean company, which will produce a study will probably need up to 12 months. Since next year is an election year, the discussion and implementation of the project will probably start in 2016.

According to the plan, there will be two city tracks, which should work independently from each other. So people can move better and faster to the different city districts. The declared aim is to remove the many tricycles and jeepneys from the main traffic flow that clog the streets mercilessly in the rush hours.

This is indeed a prestigious project of mayor Duterte – and very promising to the future of Davao City. Also for the next mayor of Davao, he probably meant his daughter Sarah (who is also the previous mayor), the project is of great importance. The Korean company says that - in a time span of about 7 years – the investors will have achieved the breakeven point.

 For us the users of the new light rail who have the advantage of better transportation, must be aware of the fact that  the cheap prices of jeepneys and tricycle will be gone... Yes, all good things  do not come in cheap – but surely expensive!

With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014

1,2 km long bridge from Davao to Samal Island

A new -old  project in Davao

October 31, 2014

It's been already 10 years that a connecting bridge from Davao to the island of Samal was discussed  and planned . But then, it had been stopped.

Now a new attempt has been made. The initiator is a Japanese company that is engaged in planning and made a feasibility study on the said endeavor. And now in 2016 the construction should start  - yes, if all parties will join and the financing of approximately 10 billion pesos is secured.

Until now Samal is a dreamy spot that you can only reach by the car ferry or by boats . And quite many  individuals are living there, the real estate prices are still comfortably low and there is still a lot of unspoilt nature - if one disregards the coastal strip with many touristic beach resorts.

The whole island will take an upturn, because Samal has a lot to offer: At least two waterfalls with clear water, a sparse population, the largest bat colony (important for the banana plantations around Davao), no industry, crystal clear water at the beaches on the ocean side - just to name the most important facts.
And those who want to catch up with the next real estate boom in Davao, should enter now. By the way, in April this year the costs were said to be about 6 billion pesos !

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Fried Herrings in Davao
 Fried Herring = Brathering  - do-it -yourself
May  10, 2014

It all began,  so after have been staying since six months in the Philippines, when you recall a special taste in mind - in memory of the distant home . After proposals such as sauerkraut, mashed potatoes , lentil soup, Gaisburger Marsch (Soup made in Stuttgart area) .... the thoughts came at once to fish. As there is plenty of fish around Davao, the thought seems brilliant. Yes, and what kind of fish? Surprisingly, everybody agreed on  fried fish “Brathering” on how we use to call it at home! Brathering  in our country is not so a very special dish, rather ordinary,  and is normally not demanded  for, - but here in Davao  it does not exist yet!
So, all set! The other day we bought fish at the wholesale market in Bankerohan. The requirement for the right choice: the fish should be hand-long and the price per kilo should not exceed 100 pesos. Well, why risk all when it is still in the trial-error stage. And see, we succeeded . Although the name of the fish is unknown - but the price was right 90 pesos per kilo.

At home we prepared  the little fish. First, we cut off the head, removed the intestines and the bones as much as possible. After, we rolled it in flour and some spices and fried it in hot oil until crispiness. And  to get the right taste, we put  the whole pot overnight in a hot broth of vinegar, onions, pepper, salt , sugar, bay leaves, and a little bit of lemon grass (because in the hurry we had no Bratfischgewuerz).

Wow, people, what  a pleasure it was the following day . Homemade, fried herring  you eat on bread or with rice. A delicacy.  “Really ‘dufte’! ” this  this would say someone from Berlin (“Really great! / Really smells great!”). Well, a little bit more vinegar – this would be fine next time .
Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 2. März 2014

Green tomatoes

Green tomatoes in Davao
March 1, 2014

When you walk in the mall, you can always get away from the Grocerie the ground floor. And usually it draws us into the fruit and vegetables department. Sure, the prices here are slightly higher than in Digos, Calinan, Aracan, 40 km away, or further in the direction of Mt Apo - where the things usually come.

Besides  herbs, such as basil, tarragon, mint,  and dill above all - that has really surprised me to find it here - you get to buy great deals such as potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and tomatoes. The gardener heart of every foreigner will beat ten  times higher. The offer of this vegetable varieties is smaller because it is more expensive than the local vegetables and is usually only bought by foreigners and western-oriented Filipinos.

But one thing was very amazed: The Filipinos like to buy the tomatoes, especially if they're still green. 
Sometimes I would be more then happy to respond if someone searches for the small green tomatoes instead of juicy red right next to it ... Oh, would someone only know that green tomatoes have in a little poison (= solanine) inside that can cause also headache and stomachache ? Only when the tomatoes are red, then they are easy to eat.

The solution to this problem was real Filipino style: The Filipinos like to eat the still green tomatoes together with Ginamos and  think it okay. The main reason is that they think that red tomatoes are already over ripe and spoiled. Greene tomatoes, however, would be fresh and healthy. That’s it.

Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Dienstag, 11. Februar 2014

Now VW is selling POLO and JETTA in Manila

Good sales start
February 11, 2014

It was not long after the announcement last year that VW will come  to Philippines and together with the big  Ayala Corp. will offer VW's. And now it was the right time. With a great opening ceremony in Manila, the vehicles of POLO and  JETTA were brought forward. An extra great "Showcase" was built with approximately 6,000 sqm.

POLO and JETTA have diesel engines and manual transmissions. Actually, I had thought of automatic  but the experience of Filipinos is – because of  the quality of the local streets  -  that a manual transmission is much  better because such a vehicle can be towed away - should something will get broken!

The prices are special: The POLO costs 888,000 pesos (= 14.460 EURO according to current change rate), the JETTA 1098,000 pesos (= 17.890 EURO). In normal equipment with Aircon.

In Manila a service center is already under construction. More offices and service centers are planned in Manila and Cebu. It remains to hope that Davao will get VW’s  soon too. Let's see ...

Yours truly,

Ludwig from Davao

Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

At the dentist

Amalgam fillings are not longer known here in the Philippines
23 January 2014

It is normal at my age that you get something with his teeth. It does  hurt or one of the dental fillings has fallen out . It is that way.
Then you are looking for a dentist in Davao and note : Almost at every street corner there is a dentist. The rooms are small and the waiting room too. Such obligations from  home , such as registration by telephone , are not the norm here . Is the dentist a good one, then you wait here and if it is necessary – you wait sometimes half a day.

Most dentists have just a " working chair" and the hand tools are already older - but what they lack in European technology , they replace it with gentle work and always again the question: " Does it hurt ? " The interesting thing is that  amalgam fillings are not longer used , but all teeth will be sealed with plastic. And root treatments are not very common , because that is not  necessary in most cases , I was told. They prefer to  repair and close the tooth .

The standard treatment costs from 600 pesos - in the country it is cheaper. Some dentists have concentrated  to the production of inlets for the German audience. This brings good , good money. But secretly they amuse themselves about our method , because  plastic  has many advantages too and it is faster and easier.
Well, we could  learn something from abroad...

Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

really dangerous

Why this dangerous overloading ?
Jan 11, 2014

When you're  traveling in Davao, especially on Saturday morning when the local farmers bring their goods to market, you can see "horrible dangerous things" on the street. Just like this jeepney, which is crammed over the roof with melons and bananas and more. And  this vehicle is still driving and the driver is laughing. And “no eye of the law”  is looking for this incredible overloading.

And you can only hope and pray that the brakes are still in good condition ....

Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014

The spice Turmeric for athletes

Performance enhancement in sport
7 1.2014

Recently I came up with a well-known basketball player from Davao. We spoke  about this-and-that, but our topic was  the best nutrition and how to  increase power -  if the team wants  to ascend to the Philippine National Team, then this is a very very important topic!

And in between  he told me from his “secret home made method”  that he takes when he has the feeling that something is wrong in "his body" . It is a fish soup, but the fish has to be cooked  with a special spice. And the most important question was for me: What kind of spice ? Where to get it ?
Some times later he brought me his secret spice and showed it to me . It looked like a ginger tuber , but inside it was yellow. And  immediately  I thought of our famous  spice CURRY. And really, it is known  here as turmeric  .

As we know now , turmeric has been used here - as well as Ginger - for a  long time to treat stress and for immune stabilization - especially after a hard workout. Due to the antioxidant activity of turmeric, it can  boost performance in a play - with success.  So it seems... Who try it out with me ?

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao