Freitag, 7. November 2014

The coconut reveals its secrets

The coconut reveals its secrets
Nov. 8, 2014

If you  come in the tropics on vacation, you immediately think of  beaches of white sand and coconut trees swaying in the wind. A picturesque scene. And then you can imagine the tanned islanders, to get the coconuts from the trees and drink the delicious juice.

The juice of the coconut is a great thirst quencher- this is known yet.. The juice is a real  power cocktail with many vitamins   and minerals. It seems that  this juice was just created for the people living in the tropics as a benefit because you can live from the coconut and the juice for weeks – if it must be.

Another substance in this juice, which was  regarded as a beauty facility for smooth beautiful skin and healthy long hair, is gaining more and more importance. It is the trace element selenium.

For every tourist who lies down in the sun to get his suntan, it is recommended to drink  the juice of the coconut. It is to maintain our skin. More important is  that the UV radiation here in the tropics can cause sunburn fast - despite the use of sunscreen with a high protection factor. The selenium in the coconut belongs to the "antioxidants", is a reliable herbal  and  can  protect the skin from inside – if you drink enough.

By the way, even in radishes the selenium is included. And salads with radishes, which are prepared with coconut juice, are delicious. Have you  tried it?

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

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