Donnerstag, 10. September 2015

Renew your your driver licence in Davao!

Life is here in Davao. You are always in motion!
Once again it was at the time that my driver license had to be renewed at the Land & Transportation Office (LTO). So, the normal way is that you have to stand in the queue, because at 8 o’clock the gate will be opened and then all the waiting people are whizzing through the entrance in order to get one of the front seats - or have it let reserved by a helper.
Then the papers have to be completed and delivered to booth 1 and again, you are looking for a place in the long row of chairs. And then you wait, because the next step is the photo taking. A lady with a  deep  voice called out the names. Every time one stands up to head to the booth, the people sitting next will get up and move to the next chair. You are  constantly in motion.
After some time my name was called. I smiled into the camera and  made my signature on the electronic device. And then there was it again: waiting. I had to wait until boothe 3 called my name to pay the renewal fee of Php417.63. And then wait again - but the heavy work is already done. How relieving.
After about 20 minutes - after having had a snack at the canteen - my name was called at booth 4 and I was finally able to take my new licence. I looked at my card, smiling, being happy to have overcome this procedure. Well, it is more fun in Davao. Life is here. You are always in motion!
With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

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