Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Hot Technology in prison

The prison of Davao has a solar system

So, even Davao has a prison. It is located in the district of Ma-a. And  the technology was now introduced  by the Red Cross (ICRC) with a 1-million-peso donation. With this donation, a solar hot water system for a flow rate of about 1800 liters was installed in order to provide  the kitchen with plenty of hot water for cooking . Before the introduction of this technology the prison consumed  approximately 5 tons of wood / month and  the energy of  electric stoves  All  expensive materials.

Anyone who has ever looked inside  a Philippine prison may wonder whether such an investment of  the Red Cross in solar hot water is the right way. But you have to admit that it is a step in the right direction.

The prison was designed for about 380 times detainees. At the moment there are 2,190 men. The prison became overcrowded. Let us hope that the solar system is not limited to conserve the environmental and financial aspect , but also to enhance the stardard of living inside the prison walls.

With best regard,

Ludwig from Davao

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