Montag, 5. Oktober 2015

Philippine ants are a plague

How to fight  with ants in Davao

My friend is in despair. In the pots and into his new house - where the architect has said that he uses an extra remedy for ants - cavort  these animals. Above all, there are the little ants, approximately 2 mm in size !.. And there are ants here in the Philippines - in addition to termites - in all sizes and in all quantities.

From his Philippine neighbors he has already received tips. Since the ants are irritated by strong odors, he should try  with cinnamon sprinkle or with the leaves of tomato. He had already tried  spray with vinegar. The results are not yet totally. The animals seem to get used to  the new odor after a while . And  still they are present. Or are they  some new ones ?

Now he has got a new tip from home, from Germany. He should use the ash of  cigars or cigarette, which is dissolved in water. And that he wants to do. Otherwise he will try it with lavender. I press the thumb.

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

who is writing to you:
Hello! My name is Ludwig . As a native German, teacher for German language with diploma from University of Ludwigsburg/Germany, chief editor of “123easyGerman”,  I  give classes and tutorials at  USEP  Davao ( University of Southeastern Philippines)  for German A1-test, crash course and  seminars.

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