Freitag, 24. April 2015

Jeepney adventure

Hi, use the jeepneys in Davao
It was on a Friday night, somewhere downtown area, when the car did not want to start and it began to rain hard. We did not know what happened car why he let us down, but at the end we decided to call our daughter to inform her. We were really happy when she drove up with her boyfriend... rescue was near! And besides, since it was still  raining, it was agreed that they would take care of the car the following day.
On Saturday  the auto mechanic explained that he could only repair the car in his shop. So the car was towed. On the following Monday, the mechanic explained that the repair would be a bigger matter and that it would take him probably a week or 10 days to fix it.
 So what to do? Should we constantly take a taxi? Oh no, we thought. What a costly hustle! In the stop-and-go-traffic in Davao, it would cost a lot of pesos. So we decided something new: Do it like the locals! Lets ride the jeepneys!
 Driving with the jeepneys is really cheap: per person and route, it costs a maximum of 12 pesos. If it does not rain, driving is very airy and beautiful and  you are sitting close-to-close with the other passengers, like in a crowded Balikbayan box.
 The problem I encountered is my height. "Woah, dako kay siya!" meaning "Woah, he  is so tall!", I would hear the Filipinos 'complimenting' me, when we enter the jeepney. And because of my long legs I occupy more space than the Filipinos. The driver  does not like us much, because he does not come to the maximum passenger amount that can be up to 10-15 passengers.
 My personal problem is the design of the jeepneys: These cars are built for smaller people! It is my head  that is always to near to the metal roof. And there are times that in the roof space is a crossbar, a triangular iron, which makes riding the jeepney a bit more risky for me. I've gotten enough injuries in the meantime. Since some time I wear a hat in order to "reduce" the painful collisions with the vehicle's roof. The only good way out of the debacle is that I have sometimes the chance to get a front seat beside the driver. In front, I have enough space for head and feet - and the view over the Davao traffic is fantastic. Yet, I have to say that this place is quite popular! Getting the highly sought-after seat is like playing in the lottery, it is all about luck! So, my dear follow-giants: when in Davao, ride like a Dabawenyo - but, take the front seat!
 With best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

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