Sonntag, 8. März 2015

Is Davao soon a skyscraper city?

New residential towers are in construction.

As in any city there are small and tall buildings. In Davao  you could count the number of high-rise buildings at five fingers. Undeniably at the top was the "Marco Polo Hotel" with 19 floors and a height of 65 meters. Then came - in the amounts of hight - the "Landco Tower", the "Pryce Tower", the "Grand Regal Hotel" and  the "Pinnacle Hotel", which is  still 51 meters high.

About 10 high-rise buildings are currently in construction . Among those the "Abreeza Place Tower 1" with 27 floors and with 94 meters is probably the highest. And more are to come. In planning stage are again 6 of these skyscrapers

The result is –according to my opinion - an oversupply of condos and  hotel rooms. Currently there are about 47 hotels that are listed in the internet platforms. A spokesman for the city government announced that  about 8,000 hotel rooms are available in Davao  and so  Davao is well prepared for large and international events.

On the other hand each manager of a hotel has to  consider and anticipate how to get enough guests. Nearly every hotel needs a  minimal capacity of about 68% or more to make a profit. And at such a surplus  a tourist will be happy : the prices will fall - I am sure, because the big conferences that should bring the many guests  are currently not yet in sight.

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

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