Dienstag, 24. März 2015

Low water consumption brings high discount

Saving water is worth

That one is right now -you should save water, which is obvious in the hottest month in Davao. For more than over 6 weeks no rain has fallen in the area. The  farmers in the area cry: "If no rain comes, it is a poor harvest!"
So far, the waterworks have expressed no warning, but you know that it is worthwhile to save water. For years the waterworks in Davao know the phenomenon "El Nino" and the associated lack of rain.

The water policy is simple: The one who uses little water, gets the highest discount. Normally  1 cubic meter of water costs = 33 pesos. And this price is for a water consumption of more than 41 cubic meters. Then it goes down in increments. So a consumption between 11 - 20 cubic meters, you needs to pay only 13.30 pesos / cubic meter. This is a discount of more than 60%.

In addition there are other fees, such as the minimum cost and the rent for the water meter. But  it is worthwhile to save water
Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 22. März 2015

Poor crop prospects

Hoping for rain in Makilala / Kidapawan

What have we groaned when in January this year, the rain did not stop. And now we have the opposite: We desperately need rain!

Especially in the area around Makilala / Kidapawan, at the foot of Mt. Apo, drought is spreading. Whenever the sky will get darkened  in the last time, many farmers  were hoping for rain - which unfortunately did not happen. It is once again the EL NINO-time. And it will last - as we have already seen it several times - until about June.

Should it really take so long, then the harvest prospects are poor. Everything will dry up. But some clever farmers have found a way - if they have access to a river, a stream, or at least to a water hole: A water-pressure pump is purchased. And so the fields - rice fields  or rubber trees or .. or...  - are irrigated just as long as water is available.And 100 meters of hose and more  is not uncommon.

For the hardware business a great deal. Within a few days, all new and used pressure pumps were sold out.

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

The first high-rise giant

Avida Towers in Davao

In a prime location of Davao, in the C. M. Recto Avenue, there  the Avida Towers are currently being built.. And the first tower with 23 floors, of which 20 floors are for condominiums, will  be completed in December 2016. A year later then the second tower with 28 floors.

According to the administration  ca. 890 units of the over 1,050 apartments should already be sold. This is understandable, as the location is really perfect: in the middle of the city, near Ateneo and Gaisano Mall, within earshot of Marco Polo Hotel and Royal Hotel Mandayang. The buyers were mostly high-income yuppies and foreigners. Finally there are about 170 car-parkings .The prices for the condos  will start at about 1.8 million pesos for a studio with approx 22 sqm and go up to about 6 million pesos for a 2-bedroom-apartment.

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 8. März 2015

Is Davao soon a skyscraper city?

New residential towers are in construction.

As in any city there are small and tall buildings. In Davao  you could count the number of high-rise buildings at five fingers. Undeniably at the top was the "Marco Polo Hotel" with 19 floors and a height of 65 meters. Then came - in the amounts of hight - the "Landco Tower", the "Pryce Tower", the "Grand Regal Hotel" and  the "Pinnacle Hotel", which is  still 51 meters high.

About 10 high-rise buildings are currently in construction . Among those the "Abreeza Place Tower 1" with 27 floors and with 94 meters is probably the highest. And more are to come. In planning stage are again 6 of these skyscrapers

The result is –according to my opinion - an oversupply of condos and  hotel rooms. Currently there are about 47 hotels that are listed in the internet platforms. A spokesman for the city government announced that  about 8,000 hotel rooms are available in Davao  and so  Davao is well prepared for large and international events.

On the other hand each manager of a hotel has to  consider and anticipate how to get enough guests. Nearly every hotel needs a  minimal capacity of about 68% or more to make a profit. And at such a surplus  a tourist will be happy : the prices will fall - I am sure, because the big conferences that should bring the many guests  are currently not yet in sight.

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

Samstag, 7. März 2015

Who has money and appetite for luxury

One more luxury residential complex to be built in Davao-Lanang

At the moment, all construction companies seem to want to be present in Davao. For years everything was quiet and all of a sudden – since about 20 months – the run starts for the big building activity: from very cheap-cheap Condos and townhouses up to the  proper luxury apartments. Right insane.

Already this year, there will be a  move in luxury and it begins with the "Siam 8000" - a proper luxury  facility with residential towers and hotels. It will be created near to he Insular Village, Davao Lanang. The investor says "Siam  8000 will set the scale for future developments in Davao, so that the city is recognized as a world-class destination where Dabawenyos and guests can purchase a deluxe accommodations underline what the city has to offer."

There are 4 projects to be built, but first it starts with the construction of two projects, the 168-unit Dusit Thani Residences and the 120-room Dusit D2 hotel. First investment will be the P2 billion for the Dusit Thani Residences. A prestigious residential complex on a lot of  1,2 hectare. The Dusit Thani Residences are characterized by pure comfort and luxury - of course in a correspondingly expensive price range.
By the way, the district Lanag of Davao was previously known only by the two Insular Subdivisions and the famous Waterfront Hotel. Otherwise, Lanang was at the end of Davao, as in the direction of Sasa, the container port of Davao. There was  more of an industrial estate atmosphere. And that will change soon completely: The Mall "SM Lanang Premier receives from the company MegaWorld a small Makati – like  the lines of Manila -with the name" Lake Shore Drive ". Next in the direction to the Insular-Subdivision since 2 years  Alcantara plans together with Ayala steps to transform the 25-hectare plot in a prestigious Hotel- Business- Beach area. And then there's the "Siam 8000". This all happens within a distance of about 1.5 km.

So, who has money and a desire for maximum comfort, here is the right place.

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 4. März 2015

What to do with the many garbage

Davao and its garbage

Such  a big city like Davao produces an incredible amount of waste. There are daily up to 450 tons of garbage, which are  previously stored unsorted on a 7 acre lot. And from that we know already that in the long run it is not  sufficient for the many garbage in the future.

Of course the city has  searched for solutions. So was once a German company  was in contact with the city  that would recycle the garbage to compostable earth, industrial oil products and electricity  as end products. In principle it would have been  a good  project, which  then failed on the implementation and the funding.

Now there is  a second attempt and it's concentrating on eliminating the plastic and scrap tires from the waste. That would amount to about 4 tons monthly. But that would be enough to reduce the  waste by ca. 10% to 20%. The partner in this project  is  a cement factory. Making  cement needs plenty  of energy. And by burning the plastic and rubber much energy is produced and this can be utilized as well.

The problem could be the poisonous gas that emerges in the process. But the company claims to have all the components  "under control".

Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao