Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014

At the dentist

Amalgam fillings are not longer known here in the Philippines
23 January 2014

It is normal at my age that you get something with his teeth. It does  hurt or one of the dental fillings has fallen out . It is that way.
Then you are looking for a dentist in Davao and note : Almost at every street corner there is a dentist. The rooms are small and the waiting room too. Such obligations from  home , such as registration by telephone , are not the norm here . Is the dentist a good one, then you wait here and if it is necessary – you wait sometimes half a day.

Most dentists have just a " working chair" and the hand tools are already older - but what they lack in European technology , they replace it with gentle work and always again the question: " Does it hurt ? " The interesting thing is that  amalgam fillings are not longer used , but all teeth will be sealed with plastic. And root treatments are not very common , because that is not  necessary in most cases , I was told. They prefer to  repair and close the tooth .

The standard treatment costs from 600 pesos - in the country it is cheaper. Some dentists have concentrated  to the production of inlets for the German audience. This brings good , good money. But secretly they amuse themselves about our method , because  plastic  has many advantages too and it is faster and easier.
Well, we could  learn something from abroad...

Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

really dangerous

Why this dangerous overloading ?
Jan 11, 2014

When you're  traveling in Davao, especially on Saturday morning when the local farmers bring their goods to market, you can see "horrible dangerous things" on the street. Just like this jeepney, which is crammed over the roof with melons and bananas and more. And  this vehicle is still driving and the driver is laughing. And “no eye of the law”  is looking for this incredible overloading.

And you can only hope and pray that the brakes are still in good condition ....

Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 8. Januar 2014

The spice Turmeric for athletes

Performance enhancement in sport
7 1.2014

Recently I came up with a well-known basketball player from Davao. We spoke  about this-and-that, but our topic was  the best nutrition and how to  increase power -  if the team wants  to ascend to the Philippine National Team, then this is a very very important topic!

And in between  he told me from his “secret home made method”  that he takes when he has the feeling that something is wrong in "his body" . It is a fish soup, but the fish has to be cooked  with a special spice. And the most important question was for me: What kind of spice ? Where to get it ?
Some times later he brought me his secret spice and showed it to me . It looked like a ginger tuber , but inside it was yellow. And  immediately  I thought of our famous  spice CURRY. And really, it is known  here as turmeric  .

As we know now , turmeric has been used here - as well as Ginger - for a  long time to treat stress and for immune stabilization - especially after a hard workout. Due to the antioxidant activity of turmeric, it can  boost performance in a play - with success.  So it seems... Who try it out with me ?

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao