Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2013

The UV radiation is stronger in the Philippines

Case: Drain hose from the washing machine

When we came over to Davao one year ago, the biggest wish of my wife was a washing machine, an automatic  - as we know it from back home in Germany. To my wife, the available types of washing machine are too simple. Her expectations were based on German standards. But yet we bought an attractive Samsung model.

And in order that nothing can happen - neither flood nor burglary - the machine was installed in the second floor. The water up to the machine was controlled over a hose. The waste water over the hose was directed into a sewer pipe that was attached to the house wall.  This was not a very nice construction, but a useful one, as you can see it often here .
But after a year full of functioning well, small and bigger spots of water appeared underneath the washing machine.  The hole was discovered quickly : It was the hose, which should normally direct the water from the machine. He became "brittle" at the top of the surface and when you touched the hose it broke into small particles. Yes alright, but why?

A friend told me that we were victims of UV radiation which destroyed the plastic after a certain time. We should have covered the drain hose! That fact is known to everyone here . Only mixtures of plastic and rubber would be stable.

Now this realization costs us a new drain hose for 350 pesos, a shade coverage of about 100 pesos and a craftsman who demands 600 pesos. But the real problem is not solved because the new hose is made of plastic again. So we are thinking of a shade cover which is reflecting the sun rays especially protecting it from these harmful UV radiations. We will see .....

Best regards

Ludwig from Davao

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