Sonntag, 30. November 2014

1000 new low-cost condos for Davao

Also PHINMA is building  low-cost condos in Davao

Now it the news have spread  to Manila, Davao that is a good place for real estate. The well-known company PHINMA Realty Corp., which has so far raised many low-cost condo houses  in and around Manila, now has a foothold in Davao.

In the area of Pampanga, this is between Sasa naval port and airport, 9 condo houses will be built with the proprietary modular system with each 5 floors and with 90 Condos in a house  with living space 30-32 sqm (incl. small balcony). The first 2 houses to be ready for move in at April 2015. Around 2016, all the houses will  be built  and then Davao has approximately 1,000 condominiums more.

The prices for the apartments are said at about 1.32 million pesos, which is much lower than from other companies. The equipment should be simple: low cost. The house monthly allowance will be  at  approximately 1,120 pesos, or about 35 pesos per square meter of living space. This is significantly low because  other building companies charge between 60 -90 pesos.

The initiators of PHINMA also believe that Davao is on a huge demand for housing, as it is in Manila at the moment. With a  price of 44,000 pesos/ sqm the company is located in an interesting  low price segment.  Other construction companies will ask  around 70,000 pesos /sqm and more - of course with another, better equipment and higher priced location.
The offer is interesting. 

Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 26. November 2014

How to transport a chicken ?

How to transport a chicken ?
Nov. 25, 2014

There are certainly a lot of possibilities to transport a chicken: in the cage, in a bag, in a pocket or under the arm.
This possibility, which we saw on the way from Kidapawan to Davao, is also one - although not very nice. But perhaps Filipinos see the matter differently, just from the point of view of the saucepan.

With best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Montag, 24. November 2014

Hopelessly overloaded

hopelessly overloaded 
Yes, if you're going on a trip, you can see incredible things. How true this phrase is! The more for the the roads in the Philippines. And especially if the police is not present... You might become witness of some unbelievable encounters, especially outside the cities, in the wild, wild west.
We enountered such along the way from Kidapawan city to Davao in the late afternoon. The traffic there was slow, so we thought it will be a slow, comfortably road back home.  we thought nothing bad - yes until we had this truck in front of us and passed it. We counted 10 rows and colums of 40 kg bags of rice on a truck. This size we have never seen before. It looked incredible yet dangerous.
We are not sure if the driver knew that he could endanger his and other drivers' lifes. Probably not. We have often seen trucks here that were longer than long  and their load was"up in the sky" . And so it is no wonder that  accidents will happen again and again. For such  an overloaded truck to bring to a stop -  the best brakes are not so strong enough to make it. The truck rolls on and on, as if it were on a skating rink and pushes everything  away. Simply, hopeless.
With best regards
Ludwig from Davao

Freitag, 7. November 2014

The coconut reveals its secrets

The coconut reveals its secrets
Nov. 8, 2014

If you  come in the tropics on vacation, you immediately think of  beaches of white sand and coconut trees swaying in the wind. A picturesque scene. And then you can imagine the tanned islanders, to get the coconuts from the trees and drink the delicious juice.

The juice of the coconut is a great thirst quencher- this is known yet.. The juice is a real  power cocktail with many vitamins   and minerals. It seems that  this juice was just created for the people living in the tropics as a benefit because you can live from the coconut and the juice for weeks – if it must be.

Another substance in this juice, which was  regarded as a beauty facility for smooth beautiful skin and healthy long hair, is gaining more and more importance. It is the trace element selenium.

For every tourist who lies down in the sun to get his suntan, it is recommended to drink  the juice of the coconut. It is to maintain our skin. More important is  that the UV radiation here in the tropics can cause sunburn fast - despite the use of sunscreen with a high protection factor. The selenium in the coconut belongs to the "antioxidants", is a reliable herbal  and  can  protect the skin from inside – if you drink enough.

By the way, even in radishes the selenium is included. And salads with radishes, which are prepared with coconut juice, are delicious. Have you  tried it?

With best regards

Ludwig from Davao

The traffic problem in Davao can be solved

A light rail transit system for Davao to start in 2020
November  7, 2014

It is tackled again: The light rail transit (LRT) project for Davao. All people from Davao will be happy if this LRT will finally be established.

Although, if you think realistically about the project, there are a lot of difficulties - the financing is the lesser “evil”. The biggest problem is the narrowness of the streets and the uphill as the infrastructure has not been developed well. While in Manila, as the main capital of the country, has installed the light rails along and above the road, which works well – regardless the traffic and density problem.
Having installed the rail tracks above the main roads is the most expensive option, but probably the only one that is feasible. The Korean company, which will produce a study will probably need up to 12 months. Since next year is an election year, the discussion and implementation of the project will probably start in 2016.

According to the plan, there will be two city tracks, which should work independently from each other. So people can move better and faster to the different city districts. The declared aim is to remove the many tricycles and jeepneys from the main traffic flow that clog the streets mercilessly in the rush hours.

This is indeed a prestigious project of mayor Duterte – and very promising to the future of Davao City. Also for the next mayor of Davao, he probably meant his daughter Sarah (who is also the previous mayor), the project is of great importance. The Korean company says that - in a time span of about 7 years – the investors will have achieved the breakeven point.

 For us the users of the new light rail who have the advantage of better transportation, must be aware of the fact that  the cheap prices of jeepneys and tricycle will be gone... Yes, all good things  do not come in cheap – but surely expensive!

With best regards
Ludwig from Davao