Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2013

Car Accident shortly before New Year

Car Accident  tax

You are always in a hurry - especially in Davao, where the traffic is so slow. This is because of the new speed limit of 40 km / h , which is completely pulled out by the taxis  where a lot of the driver  have already been sentenced  to penalties. On the other hand there are the "great hollow " roads that do not allow higher speed. So you obliged to plan more time from the very beginning.
But if you have to drive to the airport and you're in a traffic jam, then you feel  the time quite different, because the plane will not wait for you. So you have time to think where to overtake now or later and left or right side – like the taxis are doing it.
And then it happens that someone will slip from the brake onto the gas pedal and you will be pushed in the  backside of your car  with a  "Big Boom!" . And then, something happens what people call  "finding new friends ".  So you  turn signal light on, check the  damage on both cars, explain to each other that they are sorry, trembling on the arms to show how excited they are. Then they exchanges addresses and cell phone numbers. As a special feature in Philippines  you take photos of the driver's license , of the license plate and the vehicle papers.  And they say to each other that they will call each other and will discuss  the regulation of damages  in the next few days . With a handshake they will say goodbye to each other and regret again, how sorry they are . And it has happened  that the trembling driver  has been invited to a drink beer in the nearest pub.

Well, that's Davao and "new friends " are real friends.

Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao

Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013

How to become a "Senior Citizen" in Davao

Why are you not yet a "Senior Citizen" ?

If you are  in the malls in Davao and there in the supermarkets , then you will notice rows of chairs nearby some cash counters.  –normally none  are to bee seen. And  older people are sitting there and wait patiently until it's their turn .
This is one of the startling moments I 've seen in the Philippines. Older people aged 60 and over , the "Senior Citizen " , enjoy here special privileges and subsidies - not only because of the chairs ! They will  receive courteously and get in the malls  a 5% discount for certain foods and for a certain weekly amount. Okay, the amount is not huge, but it started  2010 until now ....

Even more interesting is that they are entitled for a discount of 20%  in restaurants and hotels, in the taxi , in the hospital, with drugs ,  with the dentist , in theaters and cinemas, for tickets on domestic flights and boat traffic , and  under special circumstances even with electricity and water bills  - just to mention  the most important things.. Where else in the world is this possible ?

The fact that a so-called "Third World country " , such as the Philippines ,  can carry the cost for this comprehensive support of the over 60 - year olds, is seldom to find. What a great thing.

Well, on these points, it pays to be Filipino.
Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2013

The UV radiation is stronger in the Philippines

Case: Drain hose from the washing machine

When we came over to Davao one year ago, the biggest wish of my wife was a washing machine, an automatic  - as we know it from back home in Germany. To my wife, the available types of washing machine are too simple. Her expectations were based on German standards. But yet we bought an attractive Samsung model.

And in order that nothing can happen - neither flood nor burglary - the machine was installed in the second floor. The water up to the machine was controlled over a hose. The waste water over the hose was directed into a sewer pipe that was attached to the house wall.  This was not a very nice construction, but a useful one, as you can see it often here .
But after a year full of functioning well, small and bigger spots of water appeared underneath the washing machine.  The hole was discovered quickly : It was the hose, which should normally direct the water from the machine. He became "brittle" at the top of the surface and when you touched the hose it broke into small particles. Yes alright, but why?

A friend told me that we were victims of UV radiation which destroyed the plastic after a certain time. We should have covered the drain hose! That fact is known to everyone here . Only mixtures of plastic and rubber would be stable.

Now this realization costs us a new drain hose for 350 pesos, a shade coverage of about 100 pesos and a craftsman who demands 600 pesos. But the real problem is not solved because the new hose is made of plastic again. So we are thinking of a shade cover which is reflecting the sun rays especially protecting it from these harmful UV radiations. We will see .....

Best regards

Ludwig from Davao