Montag, 16. Januar 2017

This is a real help

This is a real help for Filipinos

Last week There was the last concert of the German music association “Musikverein Kressbronn” here in Davao. It took place in Davao-Toril. In a highschool of this small town with  more than 1000 students, teachers and Germans living in Davao region. It was great and everyone loved it.

After 7 years it was the second time that the “Musikverein Kressbronn”was  with 70 musicians - at its own expenses– here in the Philippines to bring German brass music and at the same time to bring joy.

Many of the musicians have visited the children and students which   they support from Germany. In particular, the “Musikverein Kressbronn” supports the work of the “Kressbronn-Toril-Education-Program (KTEP)” in Toril. This KTEP was launched about 25 years ago by a German-Philippine family from Germany in order to help poor people with long-term projects and provide them with a livelihood

With the help of  donations and many initiatives the KTEP was able to build around 100 wells  in the surrounding villages, which have no water connection. In the meantime  the KTEP could  finance and build: e.g. Two kindergartens with free food on Fridays, the installation of  a dental practice, a start-up of a chicken and pig breeding. Further projects are  waiting for implementation.

Help is appreciated. So, fellow-workers are welcomed.
Best regards,
Ludwig from Davao