Dienstag, 16. August 2016

Angel's Hide-Away in Davao

Angel's Hide-Away in Davao
Last Friday there was a big birthday party and we were invited to the "Angel's Hide-Away" near SEAGUL Beach Resort in Dumalag / Matina / Davao.
The roads until Matina  are all in good condition and when we reached  the crossing you  must turn left and driving on a narrow road towards the sea. The road gets narrower. However, one has the feeling  that people  - and especially children – are becoming more and more and huddle on the small area.

But you have to move forward in a walking speed,then  you have  to turn left and you think that there is  no way anymore, so narrow it is. But the road goes on and then  - in a sudden -  there is  ANGEL'S HIDE-AWAY with a wonderful  view over the Golf of Davao.

The water is quite clear - just watch out for some coral blocks that can scratch one's legs at low tide. A part of the beach is reserved - so in the direction SEAGUL BEACH RESORT - because that  area is granted to the Philippine sea turtles for breeding.
The birthday party was nice and long. And  plenty to eat and drink. So, until the next time that we shall meet again in this windy, hidden, nice  Beach Resort.
Best regards,
Ludwig from Dava