Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015

It is fun

Diving at Talikud-Island
Febr. 23, 2015

So, what could be better than swimming in clear water, snorkelling or  diving ? The Talikud-Island ( a small island near by Samal Island)  offers the best possibilities.

Although you must take a ride from Sta. Ana Wharf (next to the Magsaysay Park) with the boat for about 30 minutes to the south. But it's worth, because  Talikud Island has really white sand and the water is clear.

Around the Talikud Island there are various beaches, such as: ISLA RETA, BABU SANTA, CORAL GARDEN, ANGEL'S COVE and the prices are not excessive. There are also good diving companies that offer an island-hopping to different places. It is a pleasure.

Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao

Samstag, 21. Februar 2015

Fresh milk from Samal Island

Real milk from real cows
Febr. 21, 2015

It is a fact that someone had in Samal on the idea of producing fresh milk from real cows around 8 years ago. And in the meantime we heard over and over again that a foreigner who was driving his motorcycle in Samal all around to the local foreigners to bring fresh milk. Just as a liter or so.

From these beginnings, an operation has become with an number of cows which give all together at least 65 liters of fresh milk daily. The milk will be  pasteurized and offered for sale - at present only in the region of the island of Samal.  Concerning to the amount of milk you have to remember that there are not the high-performance cows from the Allgäu/Germany, but cows that are related to the Zebu cattle and carry this little "camel hump" on the back and in milk production they are still "a little bit slow"...

There will be soon fresh milk in Davao, that is a real asset. At the moment  in the malls there are enough milk cartons - but that's milk, which is prepared from dry milk powder –  on the package there you will find the names of  so called producer countries like Australia, New Zealand or even Germany.
The company  would like to expand the production and to make goats milk too. And that would be worth because  the prices of yogurt and cheese are quite high. A 500 g package of "NESTLE CREAM YOGURT" (the only yogurt that exists) costs currently 125 pesos = 2.50 euros and the prices for cheese are even better. In "SWISS DELI" cost 1 kg of Gouda 1,700 pesos = ca.34 € and in the "S & R Mall" after all, it still at 1550 pesos = ca.30 €. These are great prices - right?

With best regards,

Ludwig from Davao