Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

Fried Herrings in Davao
 Fried Herring = Brathering  - do-it -yourself
May  10, 2014

It all began,  so after have been staying since six months in the Philippines, when you recall a special taste in mind - in memory of the distant home . After proposals such as sauerkraut, mashed potatoes , lentil soup, Gaisburger Marsch (Soup made in Stuttgart area) .... the thoughts came at once to fish. As there is plenty of fish around Davao, the thought seems brilliant. Yes, and what kind of fish? Surprisingly, everybody agreed on  fried fish “Brathering” on how we use to call it at home! Brathering  in our country is not so a very special dish, rather ordinary,  and is normally not demanded  for, - but here in Davao  it does not exist yet!
So, all set! The other day we bought fish at the wholesale market in Bankerohan. The requirement for the right choice: the fish should be hand-long and the price per kilo should not exceed 100 pesos. Well, why risk all when it is still in the trial-error stage. And see, we succeeded . Although the name of the fish is unknown - but the price was right 90 pesos per kilo.

At home we prepared  the little fish. First, we cut off the head, removed the intestines and the bones as much as possible. After, we rolled it in flour and some spices and fried it in hot oil until crispiness. And  to get the right taste, we put  the whole pot overnight in a hot broth of vinegar, onions, pepper, salt , sugar, bay leaves, and a little bit of lemon grass (because in the hurry we had no Bratfischgewuerz).

Wow, people, what  a pleasure it was the following day . Homemade, fried herring  you eat on bread or with rice. A delicacy.  “Really ‘dufte’! ” this  this would say someone from Berlin (“Really great! / Really smells great!”). Well, a little bit more vinegar – this would be fine next time .
Best regards,

Ludwig from Davao